Connecticut Shoreline Studio for Music Lessons
in Voice, Piano, Guitar & the Fundamentals of Music

All Skill Levels Welcome, Ages 4 -104

Connecticut Shoreline Studio for Music Lessons
in Voice, Piano, Guitar & the Fundamentals of Music

Crescendo Music Loft Materials

A large part of the joy CML teachers get from working with our students is making printed and/or recorded music available—whether downloaded or custom-written sheet music, library or custom-recorded karaoke tracks—to inspire their pedagogical and artistic goals, to equip them for continuing advancement and enjoyment. 

We know this sets us apart from other studios in the area, and it’s what our students say they especially value about their experience with us!
The following materials are invoiced on an as-needed basis with monthly lesson fees. Just as a ballpark figure, after the initial payment for Start Materials, additional materials will probably cost under $35 per four-to-six month period. That is, unless you are extremely motivated to play through a lot of material every week, in which case we say, “Yeah!”

Starter Materials

At Crescendo Music Loft, every student benefits from a meticulously crafted curriculum that is thoughtfully customized to align with their individual age, skill-level, and musical inclinations. To enhance organizational efficiency, optimize material accessibility, and foster seamless teacher-student communication, we furnish each student with an exquisitely tailored binder brimming with a treasure trove of resources. These encompass the comprehensive Crescendo Music System, targeted technique exercises, and precisely curated song packs that resonate with the student’s unique musical journey.
  • Voice/Guitar Students – $50
  • Piano Students – $75

See what’s included in Starter Materials.

Materials Furnished Ongoingly

Each advancing level beyond the Primer will cost $25. Each levels typically serves a student for six months to a year depending motivation and ability to set aside time for weekly practice.

Accompaniment and karaoke tracks are subject to availability/cost.

With our transition to the Piano Safari curriculum, you will see this increase in cost, which we judge to be commensurate with its value.

If you have any concerns or questions regarding the fees or materials, please reach out to us — Your feedback is valuable and important.

All Students

Community Song Project Materials – Free

We invite all our students to join the Community Song Project, which is reviving a repertory of formerly well-known traditional songs by singing them together. Sheet music and audio tracks are provided on request.

Crescendo Music System Core Curriculum – $25/level after Primer

Crescendo Music System’s Core Curriculum by Sandy Connolly is a 12-level program designed to help students become fluent in the language of music. It includes modules in sight singing/sight reading, rhythm studies, melodic dictation, composition, scales, chords, harmony, and music theory. The Primer Level is included in the Crescendo Music System Binders. Beyond the Primer Level, each advancing level will cost $25. Each level serves a student for an average of one year, depending on how quickly the student progresses.

Song Packs – $5-$25/song

We’ve been providing Song Packs all along, songs specially selected to enhance each student’s musical growth. They include “best key” sheet music, an accompanying track in the same key, and personalized instruction recordings designed to address the individual’s strengths and weaknesses. Song Packs will be priced according to availability and complexity of the sheet music. One song pack is included with starter materials.

Crescendo Library songs – $5

Students who want to do additional work on songs already in the Crescendo library of over 3,000 titles may do so for a printing fee of $5. Accompanying tracks subject to availability/cost.


New piano books – $30/level

With our transition to the Piano Safari curriculum, you will see this increase in the cost of the materials commensurate with value. Each book serves a student for an average of one year, depending on how quickly the student progresses.


Following is a partial list of materials supplied at no charge to all Crescendo students:

  • Access to the Crescendo Music Loft Library
    • Piano Safari Materials
      • Sight Reading Cards
      • Rhythm Cards
    • Books on practice technique
  • Music Money
  • Prizes
  • Staff IT Support
  • Extra Staff Paper
  • Crescendo Music System Website (updated weekly with new lesson material)
  • Shared MyMusicStaff Folder (for each student)

Crescendo Music Loft remains committed to providing an inclusive and enriching musical experience. If you have any concerns or questions regarding the fees or materials, please reach out to us. Your feedback is valuable and important – we look forward to continued musical adventures with you.


4-Lesson Packages Winter Spring 2025 

Pay at beginning of Package 

Attend weekly lessons according to Studio Schedule between January 6 and June 21. 


  • 30 minutes: $260  
  • 45-minutes: $390

John, Justin, Steve or Samantha

  • 30-minutes: $230
  • 45-minutes: $345

Pay As You Go Winter Spring 2025 

Pay by the time you arrive at your lesson.

Attend lessons according to Studio Schedule between January 6 and June 21. 


  • 30 minutes: $70
  • 45-minutes: $105

John, Justin, Steve or Samantha

  • 30-minutes: $60
  • 45-minutes: $90

Book a Lesson Now


5-B Old Post Road
Madison, CT 06443


5-B Old Post Road
Madison, CT 06443



5-B Old Post Road
Madison, CT 06443
