Connecticut Shoreline Studio for Music Lessons
in Voice, Piano, Guitar & the Fundamentals of Music

All Skill Levels Welcome, Ages 4 -104

Connecticut Shoreline Studio for Music Lessons
in Voice, Piano, Guitar & the Fundamentals of Music

Study Piano at Crescendo Music Loft

Crescendo Music System for piano is a teaching method designed by instructor Sandy Connolly to engage and challenge beginner, intermediate, and advanced level piano students in the development of fundamental skills required to perform any style of music. Students as young as four years of age and up are welcome in this curriculum as are teens and adults.

Studies in music reading, scales, proper technique, ear training along with focus on a repertoire chosen in the style of music the student wishes to learn are developed with arrangements either purchased or written by ourselves specifically for each pianist’s level of performance.

Meet Your Instructors

With over 150 years of musical experience between the three of us, we are all classically-trained piano players who studied music in college and work as a team to instruct piano students at Crescendo. While we each have our musical specialty (Sandy is primarily a singer, John Hurley a guitar player, and Justin a pianist) we work together to provide every piano student at the Loft with a deep learning experience at the piano.


Crescendo Teaching Staff: Justin Paglino, Sandy Connolly, John Hurley
Crescendo Teaching Staff: Justin Paglino, Sandy Connolly, John Hurley

The studio is in Madison, Connecticut just off of I-95 Exit 59 behind The Red Tomato and Friends & Company at 5B Old Post Road (2nd floor) Madison, CT.

Teaching the Language of Music

4-Lesson Packages Winter Spring 2025 

Pay at beginning of Package 

Attend weekly lessons according to Studio Schedule between January 6 and June 21. 


  • 30 minutes: $260  
  • 45-minutes: $390

John, Justin, Steve or Samantha

  • 30-minutes: $230
  • 45-minutes: $345

Pay As You Go Winter Spring 2025 

Pay by the time you arrive at your lesson.

Attend lessons according to Studio Schedule between January 6 and June 21. 


  • 30 minutes: $70
  • 45-minutes: $105

John, Justin, Steve or Samantha

  • 30-minutes: $60
  • 45-minutes: $90

Book a Lesson Now


5-B Old Post Road
Madison, CT 06443


5-B Old Post Road
Madison, CT 06443



5-B Old Post Road
Madison, CT 06443
