***Let’s get the disclaimers out of the way. I have a ridiculously small (just over 10lbs) grey fluffy dog named Sasha. She is not particularly obedient, and I am not her favorite person in the world (although she is my favorite dog). I’m not a fantastic dog trainer or behaviorist. We coexist very happily.***
When I’m doing vocal warmups or rehearsing a song, I look around, and I rarely find my furry friend watching or listening. Could it be that she has been fleeing the area when my dulcet tones begin?
This weekend, I was with a small group (safely gathered) and we took turns singing for each other. Sasha enjoyed the gathering, alternating between humping her stuffed puppy and smiling happily. I was delighted to have a song prepared. I stood up, smiled, took a deep breath, listened to my intro and began my song… Oh, wasn’t it just wonderful! The small group was appreciative. I had practiced, and I remembered my words…
And RIGHT THERE on my toes looking up at me imploringly, graspingly was… you guessed it… Sasha, and she was on her hind legs telling me to shut it DOWN right now! Now, Mom, right now. I have NEEDS that should be YOUR needs, and you’re moving like a freak and sound awful. YOU’RE scaring ME stop stop stop stop stop it now NOW now or pick me up NOW! THAT would be a REAL SHOW!!!!!
Did I finish my song? Yes! Did I perform well? NO! Does my dog encourage my singing? NO! Thank goodness she can’t speak or write; I’d be left with no ego at all.